St. Columban School recognizes and supports parents’ spiritual development of their children. We strive to support them in their role of primary educators by providing a community of faith in which students can grow. We help students to develop a meaningful relationship with God through prayer, the sacraments, and liturgical worship and encourage the practical application of a student’s faith convictions in everyday living.
Students participate in Eucharist, Morning Prayer, Taize, or Prayer Service once a week in communal services arranged by the school. They receive regular religious instruction to learn and explore the basic doctrine and Gospel values of our Catholic faith and are provided many opportunities for practicing their faith through service to others.
Students at St. Columban are encouraged to become ministers of the faith through the server, lector, greeter, music and Eucharistic ministries. Active involvement in ministry helps the students to develop a sense of belonging and a sense of responsibility to the parish.

School Liturgies
Catechesis, or the passing on of our faith to our children, is the responsibility of all baptized members of the church. The whole parish community (including parents, family members, catechists, and pastors) is called to hand on the faith through faith sharing and the witness of daily life. When you go to a Catholic school, you are surrounded by those who practice their faith every day. Your child, whether they are Catholic or not, will have religion class everyday which will provide them with a solid foundation in Scripture and in our Catholic tradition that helps build Catholic literacy and identity.
They will also attend school liturgy on Thursday mornings which consist of different experiences of prayer such as Mass, morning prayer, Liturgy of the Word, Taize prayer, and other special prayer services such as praying the rosary and stations of the cross. The parish staff and the school teachers work closely together preparing these celebrations, preparing themes for the liturgical year, and providing opportunities for service activities throughout the year. Scripture storytelling, reflection days and retreats are also offered through the year.

Sacramental Preparation
Preparation for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion are completed in the 2nd grade classrooms with the help of the parents. Students and parents participate in a retreat for both sacraments. The students also participate in Jesus Day (at school) prior to receiving First Communion. The retreats and Jesus Day are filled with activities and experiences intended to help the second grader feel more comfortable and prepared to participate in the Sacraments.
The 8th grade Religion classes, with the assistance of the parish and parent involvement, prepare candidates for the Sacrament of Confirmation. The students spend time during the school day developing a personal relationship with God through study, service, and application of lessons. The students participate in a Service Outreach Day, Confirmation Retreat, class Reconciliation, and collection of Service Hours prior to the sacrament.
The parish offers events to help families celebrate and continue their life-long faith journey including Vacation Bible School in July, Advent events, Reconciliation services, Pancake Supper before Lent, Stations of the Cross, and other special events that help form members of our community into disciples who act with the mind and heart of Christ.
Please reach out to St. Columban Director of Faith Formation, Scott Mussari, and Coordinator of Religious Education, Terri Kerley, with questions and to see how they can help you and your family on your spiritual journey.
Student Ministries
Servers: Students in 5th grade or above are encouraged to consider the ministry of server. After proper training, four servers are assigned for each Mass, one as cross bearer, one as book bearer, and two as acolytes.
Lectors: Lectors are students in 7th and 8th grade who have the gift and skills for proclaiming God’s word in our large worship space. Early in the school year, interested students complete an application form and are assigned to specific liturgies. The St. Columban community is blessed to have many talented lectors.
Music: Students can be music ministers through cantoring or singing in the choir. These ministries are under the direction of the parish music director.
Eucharistic Ministers: Students in 8th grade interested in becoming Ministers of Holy Communion are trained and assigned for Sunday liturgies and school liturgies. Students complete an application and interview in the fall.
Ushers and Greeters: Outgoing and friendly students in grades five and six welcome and assist visitors at our school liturgies. An application form is distributed in the fall.

Service Projects
Service to others is an important component of the St. Columban School experience. Through a variety of projects, students develop an awareness of social justice and each person’s responsibility for all members of the human family.
Service projects take different forms and are wide-ranging, some are school-wide and some are specific to grade levels. For instance, the entire school jointly supports the Sisters of Notre Dame mission in Busessa, Uganda through a Lenten Mission Drive organized by Student Council, while kindergarten students write cards for parish shut-ins, first and second graders support the Harlan Toy Collection during the Christmas season, third grade has pen pals all year with their “nun-buddies” at the Sisters of Notre Dame Heights in Northern Kentucky. Each month the students may choose to donate a dollar to participate in an out of uniform day, the money raised goes to a number of different causes including cancer awareness, global emergency funds, Thanksgiving food baskets, Christmas collections, and more.