Fine arts are a part of the standard curriculum at St. Columban School for all students. Music, art and movement are a part of everyday in the Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten. Beginning in Kindergarten, students participate in music, art, Phys. Ed. and foreign language as a part of their graded curriculum. Additionally, students in PK-6 make weekly visits our on-campus library. 7/8 grade students have the opportunity to choose among art, music and foreign language electives over the course of their 6 trimesters in Jr. High.
Drama Club
St. Columban Drama Club is a highly popular program for school students in grades K-8. We have two performances each year, one for the Junior Drama Club students (K-3 grade) in the fall and another for students in grades 4-8 grade in the spring. Drama Club also has a student crew for each performance.

Fine Arts Commitee
The Fine Arts Committee is comprised of a group of staff members who, in connection with PTO, provide fine arts experiences for our students in addition to the fine arts standards in our curriculum. In recent years, the Playhouse in the Park traveling performances have visited t. Columban to perform for students in younger grades and an annual 8th grade highlight is the student’s trip to the Playhouse during the Christmas season to see A Christmas Carol.
On their website, the Playhouse describes the arts as “essential to the basic education of all students, no matter their age. The experience of watching a play, acting onstage or actively participating in drama activities in the classroom encourages the development of a broad range of 21st century skills, including creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, communication and collaboration.” St. Columban is proud to host these events for our students.
Fine Arts Extracurricular
Fine arts extracurricular opportunities are plentiful at St. Columban. Students have the opportunity to participate in the choir or the hand bell choir at liturgical services. Students in grades 4-8 may take Band and an introductory or advanced level. Drama Club is available to students in grades K-8. Additionally, St. Columban PTO provides after school arts focused programs including Young Rembrandts and Pottery.